If you already have an IPv4 allocation or assignment from ARIN, you can log in to ARIN Online and request IPv6. The ARIN Online system will guide you through the request process.
However, if you do not have an IPv4 yet with ARIN, you will need to go through a few extra steps to complete your request.
What is IPv6?
IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the set of rules that govern how computers communicate on the internet. There are many more IP addresses that we can generate with IPv6 compared to IPv4. This means that there are enough IPv6 addresses for every device that needs one, even if most devices these days need Internet access.
Why do we need IPv6?
The IPv4 address space is running out. This means that new devices cannot be connected to the internet without using workarounds such as NAT (Network Address Translation). NAT is a way to share a limited number of IPv4 addresses among many devices. However, NAT can cause problems with some applications and services.
Regardless of other workarounds such as NAT and tunneling, it is clear that we need to start switching to IPv6 soon.
How does IPv6 work?
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long, compared to 32 bits for IPv4 addresses. This means that there are a much larger number of possible IPv6 addresses. IPv6 is also designed differently from IPv4. It is made to be more efficient in routing traffic and supporting new features such as multicasting and autoconfiguration.
How do I get IPv6?
You can request IPv6 addresses from your Regional Internet Registry (RIR). The RIRs are responsible for allocating IPv6 addresses to organizations.
If you already have an ARIN account, you can just sign in and create a request on your dashboard. If you don't have an ARIN account, follow the steps for getting an IPv6 block from ARIN.
There are two different ways to process a request, depending on whether you are an end-user or an Internet service provider (ISP).
Request IPv6 as an end-user
Step 1: Check if you quality.
If you meet any of the criteria listed below, you are eligible to receive IPv6 address space:
- You have IPv4s from ARIN (or any of its predecessors).
- You plan to multi-home your IPv6 right away.
- You plan to have offices, data centers, and other end sites within one year.
- You use at least 2,000 IPv6 addresses within one year.
- You use 200 /64 subnets within a year.
Step 2: Find out the block size you need.
The size of your IPv6 block is determined by the number of end sites in your network-- physical locations like offices and data centers. It is not based on the number of anticipated IP addresses in use.
Typically, each end site will receive a /48 subnet assignment. If you have 2 to 12 sites, you'll receive a /44 block size. The rest are as follows:
13 to 192 sites: /40
193 to 3,072 sites: /36
Step 3: Submit Your Request
If you don't have an ARIN account, you will need to make one first. Once your account is created and confirmed, you can log into your account. From your dashboard, you can select "IP Addresses" and select "Request."
Requesting IPv6 as an ISP
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Verify that you are eligible
In order to qualify for an IPv6 request as an ISP, you will need to meet the following criteria:
- Qualify for an IPv4 ISP allocation under the current policy.
- Intend to immediately become IPv6 multi-homed.
- Present technical justification, inclusive of a plan detailing projected assignments for one-, two-, and five-year periods, with a minimum of 50 assignments anticipated within five years.
Step 2: Determine Your Block Size
The IPv6 block size depends on the number and size of subnets intended for customer assignment. It does not depend on the number of IP addresses required by customers.
ISPs generally allocate one subnet, typically /48 or smaller, to each customer. The default /32 minimum allocation proves sufficient for many ISPs, encompassing 65,536 /48 subnets for customer assignments. Alternatively, ISPs may opt for a smaller /36 allocation.
The following factors determine if you qualify for blockers bigger than /32:
- The subnet size intended for customer assignments, typically /48.
- The number of serving sites, such as data centers or regional hubs, within your network.
- The number of customers served by the largest serving site within the ISP's network.
If you need a block bigger than /32, please make sure that you inform ARIN of your intended block size, along with the number of serving sites and the number of customers that will use the largest serving site.
These info will help ARIN determine the right block size to meet your specific requirements.
Step 3: Submit Your Request
1. Log into your ARIN online account to proceed with your request.
2. Link your account to a Point of Contact record (POC) and an Organization Identifier (Org ID).
2. From your dashboard, go to the "IP Addresses."
3. Select "Request."
4. A new window will pop up to guide you through the request process.
ARIN will respond to your request within two business days for processing.
For comprehensive details regarding IPv6 assignments and allocations, please refer to the full requirement/request documentation.
Closing Notes
Knowing more about Regional Internet Registries will help you meet your IP address needs. NRS is committed to spreading awareness on RIR policies and processes to help businesses and organizations like yours.
Reach out to NRS to learn how you can be a part of a better Internet.